Skin Cancer Treatment Phoenix & Scottsdale
Skin Cancers occur all over the body. Skin Cancer is more likely to occur in sun-exposed areas, such as the face and hands, but can occur anywhere. From the toes, to the groin, to the scalp.
If you are diagnosed with skin cancer Dr. Jacobsen is certified and will help you remove it completely, within the comfort of their Biltmore Office.
If you believe you have a suspicious area on your skin you should consult your family doctor, dermatologist or see Dr. Jacobsen as soon as possible. Dr. Jacobsen can help with making the proper diagnosis and sorting out any abnormal patterning.
Once you are diagnosed with skin cancer you should be treated as soon as possible. Surgical removal is often the best and quickest solution.

At the office, Dr. Jacobsen surgically removes and closes smaller areas. Leaving the fine, and delicate repair of larger, more complicated areas to be done under anesthesia in the operating room. For mild skin cancers dermatology and family doctors will sometimes use freezing, shaving techniques or some chemical treatments for the area. Which may also be available to you at one of their locations.
Patients often ask if Dr. Jacobsen does Mohs surgery. At our office we perform what we call Slow Mohs Surgery. Most dermatologists are trained in Mohs surgery, but are not expertly trained in Plastic Surgery. Which is sometimes needed to reconstruct on an area, especially on delicate areas of the face. In a Mohs surgeon’s office, they will remove some tissue, examine the tissue under a microscope, then possibly continue removing some additional tissue until all the cancer is gone while you wait in the office. Very effectively removing all the cancer present. Often leaving a wound that requires reconstruction, which is later referred to and handled by Dr. Jacobsen, a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon.
Dr. Jacobsen performs the Slow Mohs Surgery technique by removing the skin cancer, removing some of the surrounding area to make sure that the section is completely excised. Once the section is removed the sample is then sent to a laboratory for pathologic review. We usually receive the pathology results the next day to determine whether it is completely excised, within “clear margins” or not. The procedure usually takes less than 15 minutes to perform and close, returning home with no wound. Occasionally we are surprised when the pathology report from the laboratory reveals there are positive margins on the sample. In the case there are positive margins we will ask you to return to us for further excision. We understand that this often is disappointing to patients, and disappointing to us as well, but it should not be disappointing. Coming to our office on 2 separate occasions may be less time than it would be to remain in a Mohs surgery office for the entire morning or afternoon.
To Dr. Jacobsen when it comes to your care, the most important aspects are successfully removing all margins of skin cancer safely while also preserving the appearances to the critical structures of your face and body. Whether you plan to do it with a Mohs surgeon or for the first time with Dr. Jacobsen, himself. He will always remove your skin cancer safely, in its entirety. Leaving you with a finely done construction.
Skin Cancer Treatments Key Points
- With most skin cancers, like basal cell cancers and squamous cell cancers this surgical removal is the cure!
- Once the skin cancer is removed the wound must be closed as perfectly as possible to minimize your scar and maximize your function! We can do this for you.
- Dr. Jacobson has removed thousands of skin cancers for patients over the years from head to toe.
- Dr. Jacobsen can help you with your skin cancer removal and a finely done repair of your skin.
- Most removals can be done in the office with local anesthesia. Much larger skin cancers can require a short outpatient anesthesia.
- Some skin cancers after removal require just fine suturing techniques, some require flaps or grafts or both!
Call us or email us with you skin cancer question and we will be happy to help you right away!
Developing skin cancer in Phoenix is common. Skin cancer comes in many forms and is sometimes difficult to see with the naked eye. As one of the most trusted Skin Cancer Specialist’s in Phoenix, patients come to Dr. Jacobsen for not only cancer removal, but also for reconstructive services from all around The Valley.
With this goal in mind, Dr. Jacobsen does his best to delicately remove cancers, with a minimal damage to the soft tissue. Particularly around the areas of the eyelids, nose, lips, face. As well as on other areas, where excessive excision of the skin could cause a deformity. Helping people to maintain their facial appearance and function, throughout all types of reconstructions.
Sometimes patients are disappointed that they must return for further excision, but it is important to keep in mind that any surgeon can remove a large enough area to remove the entire section cancer, but it takes a special doctor to preserve every millimeter. It takes a great deal of balance to achieve both at the same time. We know the process can be overwhelming. Dr. Jacobsen will help you, answering any questions during the consult.
All specimens taken from Dr. Jacobsen’s office are delivered to the pathology laboratory each day where they are looked at and evaluated under the microscope. Melanomas typically take longer and require 2 or 3 days of evaluation, for other cancers the time for results are usually much shorter. Having results the next day, or the day after. Dr. Jacobsen’s staff will call you as soon as we get these pathology reports as we know you are quite concerned about having this removed. We will also send the report to your referring doctor and dermatologist so that the circle is complete, and everybody is well-informed.
If you’re looking for skin cancer removal in Phoenix please feel free to contact Dr. Jacobsen’s office to schedule a visit for your care.
Contact Us Today For More Info On Treating Skin Cancer